Black: Black with red text.
Overrides the color option to make all the text red on a black background. The rooms list is removed and the client is in unrestrcited mode which allows all IRC commands to be used.
Channels: Channel Applet Sample.
This theme is an example of using the new channel applet.
Colors: Black background with colored orbs.
Replaces the standard buttons with a more colorful version. Uses the full IRC client.
Default: This is the main ConferenceRoom theme.
It has a simple clean look and uses the full client mode (IRC commands allowed).
First and Last: An intranet chat theme.
Asks a user for their first and last name, this is used to create a nickname.
Invisible: No border lines.
This theme has no lines and is easy to wrap graphics around.
Kids: A sample of a page aimed at a younger audience.
This page uses the restricted client mode (no IRC commands). The page will take users directly to the #kidchat room.
Lite: A very lite theme.
No graphics. No user or channel list. No IRC commands. No sounds. It also prompts the user for a nick before connecting and does not display join/part messages.
Very classy looking theme designed in basic black with blue trim. Designed by Nebula.
Neon: Bright bold colors on a purple background.
Uses the full client but does not include the buttons. This theme does not include any sounds.
Sounds: Sounds and Frames
Uses the simple client settings which has a simpler interface. Uses JavaScript to control the chat client and provide sounds.
Space: A space theme including sounds and graphics.
Includes full client support and a special sound effects when a user joins the room.
Spider: The offical WebMaster mascot.
Uses the restricted client interface. This theme includes a password prompt which is needed if you use passwords on your client definitions.