by oscar andy on Mon Apr 29, 2002 4:17 pm
one of mine is starting to get a nice coloration like that. It will be cool when they start to realy look like those pictures.
the problem is that they grow extreamly slow. I have 4 in a 29gal, some people told me I could have 6 in there, but others said 4 would be better, i might get one more though.
If you get some get them online, all the lfs i've seen sell them for $17-$20 at 1". I got mine at [url=][/url] for $6 each. [img][/img]
I'll post some more pics when they get alittle bigger, and when i can get a better camera, those didn't turn out to good.
A wise fishing guide once told me "catching fish is just like picking up girls at the mall" I replied "that is true, but with the girls your not going for the big ones"