Theres a few people who always check this site if they can't find me on mine and hopefully the same for Tony's
(see this thread )
Anyways - I got home from work tonight and have no sites
95% of my sites along with Tony's site that is on my hosting are down - EVERYTHING email,auctions,forums,the whole 9 yards
NO clue when they'll be back online
After getting ahold of my host this is all the information I have at this time
[b]Network Status[/b]
We have several servers down at our Houston datacenter. This is the result of a transformer explosion which has knocked out three walls. The fire department is at the scene at this time. They are not allowing for the backup power plan at the moment. The estimated time the data center is providing us is mid-afternoon Sunday. Unfortunately these elements are outside of our control. We understand this can be very frustrating and we thank you for your patience while we ride this out.
Thank you. [/quote]