Ahhhhhhhh,, That is a change for sure!! Oscars to betta's!! I dont' do good with betta's..
"I am moving "and my tanks are going to be scattered in my son's homes. I have to get my 2 double 55gal NEXT weekend, not this one, darn it, they are going in different homes, still I get to MAINTAIN THEM thou. that is like visitation rights I guess.. LOL...
I have the 20 and 15gal I need to just break down and keep safe somewhere.. LOL again on that!! Lots of fish/fry to find homes for, but where I am going is not African/malawi/tang/victorian cichlid friendly... I may have to distroy all the fry/juvies, which I am trying desperatly NOT to do..
My 35gal hex with my 4 platinum angels Kribs/albino 4" plecos are going by my bed!! Yea NO one gets those!! They get a single 55 gal later as they get bigger.
My midas in the 125gal are at my sons, but my daughter in law want's BASS and others in the tank!! well, dang.. Probs with OTHERS hosting your tank, even family, and they want what they want in it.. hummmm.. The Midas can come to the bottom double 75gal that are at my mom's, WHO wants me to sell them NOW, NOT going to happen..
I may switch out the double 75 to double 55 gal and host the 75's at my other son's home..
Maybe I sould just do Betta's and call it good too....
THAT is NOT going to happen I am sure!!
All have a GREAT tank-fish-day!! I am trying!!!!!