Ok first off, goldfish are notorius plant eaters!! so dont' expect your plants to last long once they get bigger if not sooner..
Plants dont like salt, and I really recommend some for a cycleing tank.. This helps with keeping your NITRITES down some and not as toxic. FYI here. Fish benifit from salt too..
GET LIQUID test kits, Ammonia and nitrite. U dont' need the NITRATES just yet but wil in 3 weeks. that is the end of your bio process and they are not toxic like the first two..
do U know what your Ph and GH/KH hardness is?? THAT is important to know to keep the fish U want too. Angels are south American and need a different Ph, 6.5 to 7.4 than the African's do 7.6 to 8.4, but most adapt pretty well if they are not over OR under the required level.. MOST fish stores wil tel U but make sure they write it down and NOT just say it is fine.. Fine for what?? OR get a test kit instant Ph AND GH/KH double test kit your self and learn to use it. U only need to do it a few times to know what/where it is at..
Later on, u are going to need TWO filters per tank. YES TWO!! But U can wait 30 days or so if not a little longer but not much when U add in your new cichlids, yes Angels are cichlids too!!
Most any other of the African cichlids work out good for Elec. yellows, most thou U need to avoid. Kenyi, Auratus, ANY KIND OF ZEBRA that are prone to bloat, the Red Zebra being one. IF U do get them, keep your food PROTIEN at under 38%!! or they wil get bloat and die.. they are more herbivore than Omnivore like most of the others.
Find a independent fish store NOT a chain, for a better/healthier selection of cichlids, including some nice angels..
Anymore ?? just post and I wil be watching for more from U. GREAT looking tanks!!
To save me from typing to much here, SEE here and at the bottom of the page is a link for great info on week to week what U can expect on your tanks cycling..