by Craig on Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:31 am
A 99% effective way to kill snails in the aquarium.
1. prevention. when introducing new plants / stones / wood dip it in a rich solution of potasium permanganate and warm water. soak for about 15 - 30 minutes. and rinse well before introduction,
2. introduce a predator. most botia style loaches (clown, zebra etc) will hapiily devour any snalls in the tank (they wont eat the swarms in the later stage of infestation. ciclids will also eat them, however arnt always suitable.
3. dont over feed the tank. the snails wont have the resources to swarm.
if worst comes to worst and the tank becomes infested, transfer all the fish to another tank and moniter them. strip down the swarmed tank, place all the decore into the potasium solution and leave for 30 mins(dont want to run the risk). itll kill all the snaols and their eggs.
place the hardware, filters etc into the solution and run for an hour and re install to the tank after washinge verything thouroghly.
problem sorted. no more snails.
hope this helped.
the chemical snial-a-cides are worthless by the way, they do nothing other then poisen the tank with heavy metals and cause the snails to die, rot and the shells will alter the ph anyway.