by junior on Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:48 pm
[b]Firemouth--Thorichthys meeki[/b]
[b]TEMPERMENT:[/b] They are moderately aggresive new world cichlid, less aggressive towards other fish than toward members of their own species. For the most part they will leave other speices alone, but are quite aggressive toward other Firemouths, you can see these shows of aggresion by the flaring of their gills. Also they can be very colorful when kept under optimal conditions.
[b]ADULT SIZE/GROWTH RATE:[/b] They grow to an average length of about 6 inches. They are irregular grows meaning they will have growth spirt, then slow down again.
[b]COMMON NAMES:[/b] Firemouth Cichlid
[b]MINIMUM TANK SIZE:[/b] 20 gallons for a single fish, 25 gallons for a pair and 60 gallons for a community.
[b]FEEDING:[/b] Firemouths are very messy eaters and requirer a lot of food. Most of their diet should consist of a quality cichlid pellet. The other part of their deit can be insects and worms. You can also feed beef heart which is easily obtained at any local butcher shop, but you must cut it up yourself.
Unless your gravel is very coarse, you will find your Firemouths "mouthing" the substrate in the manner of Eartheaters (Juruparoids) for extra tid-bits. In the wild this species extracts insect and vegetable foods from the soft substrate in this way. A note re the use of auxiliary filtration here. Having good circulation and a particulate filter (e.g. outside power or cartridge) will co-benefit you in maintenance as well as your cichlids.
[i]One thing that is highly discouraged is the feeding of feeder goldfish, they carry a lot of diseases that could make your oscar ill, if not kill it. [/i]
[b]BREEDING:[/b] Sexing firemouths can be difficult because, females and males will both have the same coloration, and fin length is only some times right. The best way to sex them is wait for them to pair off and what for the males display with his gills.
Normally Firemouths will breedin in a cave of some sort, the female will tend to the eggs while the male guards the cave. They will lay about 300 eggs and the eggs will hatch in about 3 days.
A young Male Firemouth flaring at the camra:
Last edited by
Barb Okla on Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.