by johnyoscar on Sun Feb 10, 2002 9:55 am
Hellow. to just give advice hear. i would put them in a 20 gallon tank with no rocks try to keep them in the open so you can see them. i know iknow there kinda jumpy just put them in the open to give them more confidence. so you will see them. if you put tow females in with one male. you are asking for trouble just one pair per tank thats the rule. if you want to put a flat rock with them ok but not to much. make them to use the graval. its worth it. after the fry are bornthe male and female will fight for ownership of the fry if this happens and the female is visable loosing take her out of the tank. if you leave them alone they will take good care of there fry [quote]Originally posted by C4:
[b]A 20 gal is perfect for 1 male con and 2 females. Cons are easy to breed, theyd do so in a puddle if thats all they had. To help prevent the killing of females I reccomend putting fake floatibg plant decorations in the tank so they can hide. As for what to do with the fry? I feed my con fry to my oscars and angels. You can ask arould to your lfs to see if they would be interested in buying them, but my lfs up here won't pay for cons they only take donations. S if your in it just for the expieience you can give the fry to the lfs. If your in it for a profit your dealing with the wrond fish [img][/img]