by Fisharefriends on Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:00 am
This is a recipe that I came up with myself, and I'd love for others to try it. Please note that this is not a food to be fed on a daily basis, rather weekly or biweekly depending on your preference. Also note that it is kind of messy so it's good to have some sort of cleaner fish or bottom feeder in your aquarium such as synodontis cats, plecos or cory cats.
The ingredients are pretty basic and simple. 1/2 cup of frozen shrimp, 1/2 of a good sized zucchini squash, one can of tuna IN WATER, and three pieces of a fresh garlic clove. Preparation is even simpler, just take a good knife and cutting board, peel skin off of the zucchini and garlic, and shrimp if it isn't already (I get mine skinless) and dice it all up in pieces big or small enough to fit the particular size of your fish. The garlic acts as a natural antibody, and kills bacterial infections like ick and fin rot naturally, and which in turn helps fins and small wounds heal faster. (Which if you have kept cichlids for any amount of time, you know it happens and there's nothing you can really do about it) the zucchini is rich and vitamins, and the tuna and shrimp are rich in protein and omega 3s which is good for your cichlids coloration development. So this is my recipe, I've used it biweekly for going on 6 months now, and my fish are healthy happy and I have had no I'll effects whatsoever. Plz feel free to comment your opinions, whether positive or negative, all feedback is welcome, just please be courteous in the way you give your opinions on this. Thank you for reading, operation save the cichlids from terrible pet stores.