by monski on Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:20 am
[quote][i]Originally posted by Barb Okla [/i]
[b]What you have is a Parachromis managuense.. Better know as a Jag, jaguar cichlid for short..These guys can get big, A foot or more at adult..Likes a nutual pH 6.8 to 7.4.. Very aggressive so keep hiim alone in a 55 gal or a 75 would be better.. Carnavore, meaning he likes meaty foods.. But do try NOT to feed him feeder fish..This can cause problems later..Keep him on high protein pellets and any frozen foods, shrimp, krill that is meant for cichlids of this size.. Meal worms if you want, he should like that...
Sexing Jaguars isnt too difficult. Males will have longer anal and dorsal fins and will usually be the more colorful of the two. Jaguars with often spawn in caves or on a piece of flat rock or slate. The female will lay between 200 and 3000 eggs per spawn depending on her age and size. [/b][/quote]
Wow, I made a mistake on my first day. I put in several colorful feeders. he's eaten about 6 already. I am also using oxygenated water in a 75 gallon tank. He's over 13 inches long.