by junior on Tue Oct 24, 2006 5:21 pm
[b]Red Devil--Amphilophus labiatum[/b]
[b]GENERAL INFORMATION:[/b]They can vary greatly in color, from completely red/orange to pure white or usually some where in between. They are very personal fish, usually responding to the owner when you are infront of the tank. Red devils are often confused with a midas cichlid because they look very similar. You can tell them apart by the shape of the head, Red devils are more elongated.
[b]TEMPERMENT:[/b]Red Devils are very aggresive, I have kept them in large tanks with minimal aggression but if you wish to keep it in a community it must be the dominate fish or there will be constant fighting. If keeping in a smaller tank(90g and under) it should be alone, or it will most likely kill its tank mates.
[b]ADULT SIZE/GROWTH RATE:[/b]Males are usually a bit larger than females and display a large hump on the head once reaching adulthood. These fish will reach 15 inches if kept in a large tank with heavy feeding.
[b]MINIMUM TANK SIZE:[/b]Because of their large size I suggest a tank of at least 18" width, a 75 would be just fine for a single fish. Pairs are touchy because some Red Devils will not tolerate another in the tank.
[b]FEEDING:[/b]Red Devils are very messy eaters and requirer a lot of food. Most of their diet should consist of a quality cichlid pellet. The other part of their deit can be insects and worms. You can also feed beef heart which is easily obtained at any local butcher shop, but you must cut it up yourself.
A young female Red Devil.. Very aggressive:
Last edited by
Barb Okla on Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.