by samanthia on Sat May 26, 2007 4:26 pm
I was cleaning the tank that i keep my O and blue acaras in and i had been noticing shiny bits of something in just one certain area on the gravel. Whenever I would find one i would always pick it up and throw it away. I was curious but not really concerned until today when i found a peculiarly shaped piece of either plastic or glass. It was curved and rounded into a half sphere shape. I took out the thermometer, which had been floating underneath the filter overspill for quite a while, i must confess i have not really checked the actual temperature of the tank for about a month, I just kinda touch test it. I looked at the bottom of the thermometer and the bottom, which held these ball things to weight it down once it was suction cupped to the wall, was gone. that was what i had found on the gravel! the ball things had all fallen out too, are these harmful to fish? God i hope not!