by Chips on Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:08 pm
Hey hows it going? I had a name on these forums a few years ago but i forgot so i figured id start a new one. Anyways I used to have a bullhead catfish that i got from a friend in my 75 gallon with an albino Oscar, and a shovelnose catfish. All three of these fish i had when they were baby's. The bullhead was the first one to die after about five years. Then the shovelnose died after a move. And the Oscar just died a few weeks ago. I decided to start over and get another Oscar and shovelnose but I'm not sure how i can get another bullhead. Whats the best way to get a baby one? Has anyone ever had any experience with them? My only idea is maybe get a minnow trap and try to catch one, but i dont live on a lake or anything so I'm not sure what to do?