by DanRad on Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:29 pm
The AC 110 used to be the model 500. They renamed it to 110 in large part because that's the size aquarium it's rated to take care of. With a light bioload it would probably be fine for your 125. However, with 3 O's and a JD it isn't enough. I use the same filter on my 125 (2 Uarus, 2 Severums, and a Gibbiceps), but I supplement it with an Eheim 2217 cannister filter. The two together do a good job. You could also just add a 2nd AC 110, Emperor 400, or any number of other good filters. Some people like the Magnum 350 cannister filter. In any event, I do recommend about double the filtration you're now using, along with a regular water change regimen.