[quote="stephilee "]
I was told that all parrots are females period. [/quote]
As Barb says not true in their early days there seemed to be a high rate of infetile males combined with higher percentages of females , which led to this info being passed around.
[quote="stephilee "]
That they are a hybrid mix between gold severums and red devils. [/quote]
That is true , until you find a few stubborn hobbyist that swear it's not.
If you follow the trail of truth it'll also shed some light on the first part.
What I mean there is ,in the beging most if not all parrots in the U.S. were bred by one main source ,Santos (to the best of my knowledge) who is in Florida and in an area with a lot of lime in the water table and ponds.
Certain PH effects the sexing of fry, if they're ph was in a range to produce mostly females, guess what goes out to all the stores and dealers? Yep mostly females.
Males may have had a high sterilty rate in the begining from the same thing
since nature was trying to tell them to be female or it may have had something to do with them being a first generation hybrid , noone seems to have a 100% definate anwser either way.
Now parrots unfortunately (sorry not a hybrid fan myself) are bred in more places by more people so they're in different conditions and they're usually no longer first generation crosses so more breedable males do pop up.
Back to the beginning

Know where most (I'd guess 99%) parrots come from in stores in the U.S. now?
Any guess what sex that makes most of them? and keeps the false info going.
Honestly a couple years ago I'd of told you most parrots were sterile but when people play frankenstein things don't work out exactly like they think I guess.
Live and learn
[quote]When I got her, she was gray and black striped... now he is a whitish-pink color. He informed me that places like ****** get there fish from carriers who dye them and sell them as something else. [/quote]
On a store correction - nobody dyes fish to make them striped
and you may have gotten a pink convict that was both young and stressed when you bought it. Convicts naturally come in different colors.
Here's an example of some convicts I worked with for a while.
No dye no junk no hormones
[quote]Your Rd is fine.. IF that is what U have.. That is a normal color change for a RD. [b]not all are bright red[/b].. this does not mean it is another species[/quote]
Again I'll agree with Barb

to help show what shes saying
Some of my "red devils"
an extreme example and one of two known for certain in the U.S. at this time
but this is a barred red devil
This is the sister of the barred above (call here whatever you'd like)
(might not show my sites in mid transfer)
just to make it interesting - the above two where spawned one time and threw white and or mostly white fry

both are guaranteed red devils as they came from a pair of wild caught red devils asfter seeing them here's one of their babies grown up a bit
an orange female
babies from orange parents , at color change
same babies a while later
[quote]I didn't know much about cichlids, [b]but I have been learning more and more with every fish I attain[/b].[/quote]
Thats what matters most

While we're on the subject of stores and what they sell, I'll take this time to mention that the large majority of red devils sold in stores in this country are also hybrids. Hybrids between Midas and real red devils.