[color=#0000FF][size=200][u][b]Melanochromis Auratus[/b][/u][/size][/color]
(Male and Female Auratus in my 75 gallon tank)
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Discovered By:[/b][/u][/color] Boulenger in 1897
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Family: [/b][/u][/color]Cichlidae
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Genus: [/b][/u][/color]Melanochromis(meaning "Black Cichlid" in Greek)
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Species:[/b][/u][/color] M.Auratus
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Common Names:[/b][/u][/color] Auratus Cichlid, Golden Malawi Cichlid, Golden Cichlid, Black Cichlid.
Found in the southern third lake region of Lake Malawi in Southern Africa
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Max Size:[/b][/u][/color]
3-4 inches
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Water Conditions:[/b][/u][/color]
Auratus prefer hard, alkaline waters with a PH of around 7.5-8.2 and temperatures around 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Auratus can be aggressive especially during breeding
Auratus are Omnivores and will eat a variety of things but mainly prefer things of Vegetable Matter. They can be feed flakes/pellets that are high in Spirulina which is an algae that can be found in their natural habitat.
[color=#0000FF][u][b]Auratus in General:[/b][/u][/color]
In General, Auratus are a rather small fish only reaching about 4 inches max. They are Mbuna's meaning they like a rocky habitat. They have elongated bodies with a rounded snout and have horizontal stripes that go from their faces to the end of their tail fins.
(Juvies are on the bottom with the black stripes)
Juvies have a yellow/white body with black horizontal stripes. All juvies will look alike until they reach around 2-3 inches where they would begin to change colors and they will mature into either male or female.
When fully grown, males become very dark in color. The whole bottom half of them would be black and their top half would be like a greyish/brownish color. They will develop white stripes and will have a blue sheen to it. Colors can change according to their mood.
Females would be lighter than males with their bodies being a yellowish/golden/beige color. They develope white/brown horizontal stripes and also change color depending on their mood.
Auratus are mouthbrooders meaning the females will keep her eggs in her mouth rather than laying them. When males mature, they will become very aggressive especially if females are present. The males will continuously harass females and court her until she gives in to breed. They would find a spot near a flat rock and will circle each other and as that is happening, the female is laying eggs, picking them up and placing them in her mouth while the male fertilizes them. She would keep the eggs in her mouth for about 3-4 weeks and will release the fry when she feels it is safe.
***All Pictures are of MY fish in MY tank taken with MY camera!!! Thanks!!

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