by stilllearnin on Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:51 pm
[quote="aussie_oscar"]SNAILS: Crush them and Remove the shells.
VEGETABLES: Steamed peas, zucchini, steamed carrots, spinach. Basically the stuff that's jam-packed with goodness. Eggplant is another good one. Never boil the veggies, removes the vitamins and minerals.[/quote]
[b]NOT spinach [/b]- it's bad for fish.
Spinach and most other [u]dark[/u] greens are to rich in oxalates for fish and they block calcium absorbption , some even say it strips calcium due to a fish's high metabolism.
(same holds true for reptiles and inactive elderly people)
[quote="cichlidjosh"]thanks 4 the info. and when u say recyler do u men were people take cans and stuff?[/quote]
The recycler is a website where people give stuff away free or on trade.
It's like craigslist but nothing is for sale (well last time I saw it,it was all free or trade , been a while though)