by AquaticMadness on Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:56 pm
1 Malawi Eyebiter 6"+ - $20
1 Malawi Eyebiter 4.5" - $15
2 Maingano adults - $15ea
1 Proven Pair Borleyi Kadango - $50
30+ Rare Albino Blue Eyed BristlenosePlecos - $10ea
6 Rare Albino Blue Eyed Long Fin Bristlenose Plecos - $20ea
12 Albino Long Fin Bristlenose Plecos - $10ea
4 Gold Spot Brown Bristlenose Plecos - $8ea
4 Hongi Super Red Top Kimpuma - $15ea or group(2m/2f) for $50
F1 Demasoni - $7ea
Aul. Eureka Reds - $6ea
F2 Placidochromis Jalo Reefs - $5ea
F1 Aul Chitande Masinje - $6ea
F1 Copad Borleyi Kadango - $5ea
F1 Otopharynx Lithobates - small $5ea, med $10ea, lg $15ea
Aul Albino Maleri - $6ea
Labidochromis Caeruleus Nkhata Bay(White Labs) - $8ea
Aul. OB Peacocks - sm $4ea, med $7ea
Daffodil Brichardi - $5ea
Marbled Bullhead - $20
12" Royal Clown Knife - Sale for $30
Tiger Shovelnose - $20ea
Fredrichstahlii (2m/2f) - $120 for the group
Veiltail Oscars - $15ea
Gold Nugget Plecos - $30.00
I have assorted tanganyikans coming in next week also:
Tropheus moorii Moliro 1.5-2"
Tropheus moorii Murago Green 1.5-2"
Tropheus moorii Papa*** Sunset 1.5-2"
Tropheus sp. Bulu Point Cherry Spot 1.5-2"
Tropheus sp. Ikola Kaiser 1.5-2"
"Pit Bull Pleco" LDA25
Along with Burundi Frontosa and White and Yellow Calvus
Ask if you are looking for other tanganyikans or anything else
A group of P. Nyereri Ruti Islands to the list too - $90
2 F1 Aul. Blue Neons - $6ea
4 Hap. Flameback - $6ea
5 Wild Aul. Benga Yellows Proven Females - $25ea
2 Wild Aul. Chitande Masinje Proven Females - $25ea
Veiltail oscars - $15
I have more than that but I will start with this.