by Barb Okla on Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:38 pm
Gosh! what can U say about that word: CANCER... humm.. I could say a bunch being a breast cancer suviver WHO DID NOT DO CHEMO!! This was in 2001 and I am stil here.. WE lost some great ppl this last week and stil are it seems..
Pancreatic Cancer is always fatal in most cases.. FYI
Some great ppl we lost this week not all due to the above cancer:
[b]Larry Gelbart[/b] dies Friday, Sept 11, 2009.. at 81.. Diagnosed in June 2009..
HE wrote the orginal M.A.S.H series, co-wrote "Tootsie" and other great TV series..
[b]Patrick Swayze[/b] dies Monday, Sept 14, 2009 at 57..
WE all knew his time was short.. But still a sad loss.. "Red Dawn" 1984: "Dirty Dancing" 1987, "Ghost" with Demi Moor 1990. "Road House" 1989.. His last movie was on A&E cop drama The Beast..
[b]Harry Gibson[/b] dies Monday Sept. 14,2009 at 73..
He played the crazed nazi leader in the orginal "Blues Brothers".. And for us OLDIES, he was on "laught In" started in 1969. the Love Boat, Boston Legal and many more..
[b]Mary Travers[/b] dies Wed, Sept 16, 2009 at 72 from leukemia..
of Peter, Paul and Mary Singers of 60's Music, like Puff the magic Dragon and other great songs..
[b]HERE [/b]is a great place that alerts U though E-Mails to ppl who have died. NOT all are about actors, so U get alerted to others as in athlets, politicans ect, ect.. who dies.. I use this and it is a great E-Mail alert.. See here on all of the Above and more: