by Barb Okla on Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:56 pm
This depends on the cichlid U get. Some males have egg spots first, that is on the bottom anal fin, (under the tail) color plays a role here too in most species.
Some do not change colors until they are bigger, the Kenyi is one.
The males look like the females, blue with black stripes. BUT at 2" the male wil hve ONE to a parchal egg spot first even thou, he has not changed colors yet.. ( I raised them for years)
Elec Yellows are another one that is hard to sex at a small size. males should be bigger and more black on the lower fins. BUT sometimes the females do too!! so best to get 4 to 5 and let then see who holds fry first. ( males have been know to kill other Elec. males so know this and have LOTS of rock in your tank..
The Red Zebra is a mean cichlid with great color and should not be feed high protien foods of 35%. hard to do with others. Malawi bloat is tipical with them and it is always fatal.. they are more herbivore=veggie flakes only than omnivore=(veggie & meat based fish foods).. so know that now. Males have the egg spot first..
All of the Zebra species are HERBIVORE..
Not sure on what your LFS has, so hard to say on any others.. Most ppl in the fish stores can help U, some can not..
To keep them healthy, U need a 55gal and bigger tank. So make sure U have the right size so U do not have to UP-grade to a bigger tank later. They are smll now but grow fast..