by Barb Okla on Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:38 am
Hey "Boss".. LOL.. they are about 3" or so. with the tail I am going on here.. someone thou, killed my small bristlenose pleco! darn it!! he was really eating the algae on the deco and glass. I am getting two more today/?? or when ever I can get them from a breeder, but I hate to lose them to a hungry mean cichlid. dont' really know WHO killed him, just the skiliton was left. new it was him due to the head shape/nose area..
I sure hope later I can find someone with a big tank to take the others that I dont' want.. I hate to see them in a LFS.. they just do not care for them like they should anymore!! (if they dont' feed them, then they dont' have to clean the tank deal!) sucks..
I got them for a dollar as no one wanted them. THEY all have killie's to guppies so this is not a doable cichlids for them.. they are fine for right now. but later as they get bigger, I guess the 125gal is getting back to the African cichlids again.. Dont' mind it thou. the Midas have it now, but they can go to the 75gal in a few months if not sooner.
Ah the joy of fish keeping!! LOL!!