by Barb Okla on Sun May 30, 2010 7:37 pm
do U know what kind of fish U have? cichlids or others?? American or African??
IF they are lip locking and are African, then they are both males and U need to remove one..
Look for more dots (called egg spots)on the bottom anal fin, UNDER the tail, if lots, then males, if a none to one, then females..
IF they are american cichlids, they COULD be male female as the females wil lock lips and fight the male. Jack Dempseys are bad for this alone with Oscars..
Yes it is advised to remove one of the males and not over stock the tank. Lots of rock is needed as males are really territorial and need a cave to call theirs..
BUT more rock in a tank, means less water. so know that now.. your 30 can go to a 20 gal fast..
IN a 30 gal tank, that is just not big enough for 6 cichlids at adutl size...
U really need a 55 gal and bigger.. This gives U lots of room for LOTS of rock and more cichlids..