by Barb Okla on Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:20 pm
As I have had fry to juvinal size to adult, at 2" they are usually 5 to 6 months old. This is the size most LFS have them at.. some are smaller it just depends on the species and what they feed them. I am counting the tail region here. Most times U do not count the tail in measuring a fish but ppl new to keeping fish always do the tail too.. Normal. I have learned through the years to just count the tail in the "estimated" measurements... (they dont' exactly stand stil for a tape measure do they?? )
Most cichlids at adult, and that can take exactly ONE year and more depending on again, feeding and water quaility and aquarium size, get to be 5" and up. African species here on size.
American cichlids develope faster and grow much more faster than the African cichlids do. Dont' know why, I am sure in the wild they mature faster to survive and a LAKE is much more bigger than an aquarium no matter the sizea and U dont' have to clean it weekly. YES size matters greatly with SOME species on growth in an aquarium..
When Yours have fry and I hope u wil have another tank set up for them, say a 20 gal and up is perfect. I had 2 29gals and they stayed in them most their fry to juvie size of 3". U can add in more fry to the first set of fry withing 2 weeks, then they wil eat any others U place in. Lots of rock helps but keep the count to under 25 or so.. Most African cichlids have 20+ per spawn twice a month. U learn to just let the female spit them out into the main tank as U run out of tanks for all the fry.. LOLuck!! U can get into a tissy trying to save all the fry. NOT worth it later as IF U CAN NOT sell them, U are stuck with a bunch of nice cichlids no one wants. I have been their and done that and the fish suffer for it.. Just a heads up.. Any more ?? just ask...