by Sadfish on Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:50 am
I'm very excited to be moving from a 30g to 65g tank to house my amazing 11" Oscar Anti. I want to put the new tank in the same location as the old and I think I have all the right steps but a couple of questions.
1. I have a 10g tank that I plan on filling from the current tank to use as a holding tank. How do I get her from one tank to another?
2. My plan is to use my current tank filter, rated for 75g and as much of the water as possible for the new tank. I plan on measuring temp and have a test kit. I have no idea how long this will take to get the new tank up to snuff. Any ideas?
Any thoughts would be appreciated. I've read through a lot already posted but these two things I just can't seem to locate.
Thank you.