by oscar2001 on Fri May 02, 2003 7:26 am
[quote][i]Originally posted by Repunz [/i]
[b]ok, no .dll error, but now i get a run time error. will try to attach a screen cap of the error.
ok, attaching or linking didn't work, will post it in the photos section.
Posted in my gallery, key search word, error ...
lol and yes, it's win 98 LOL [/b][/quote]
Glad to see Im not alone lol
I have been getting the same run around and thought it was just me
I even went as far as re-installing windows incase a program overwrote stuff with older files but to no avail..
visa has the same as me (win98se) and she has no probs but it does it with both of of my puter and my wifes puter(one with a generic win98se and the other with ibm custom win98se.. might try it with the 1st win98 version and win95 versions just as a matter of interest.(use the kids computer to do it on this time, having to re-upate windows on a 56k line sux lol)
Im getting xp in a few months time