by Mark Stone on Tue Feb 08, 2005 11:43 am
[quote][i]Originally posted by Fuzzy [/i]
[b]If you can post pictures of them, we might be able to tell. There is no 100% means other than venting, and I don't recomend venting a large Oscar. Head shape and fin size and shape are a couple of the signs. Perhaps stilllearing, or Mark or cichlidfish might be able to hazard a guess as well. [/b][/quote] Well, venting is the way to go here -- if you are very patient, you can sit next to the aquarium and wait for Teeoh to flash you.
Fins, body and head shape, and size are only accurate to determine gender when you are absolutely certain that Oscars are raised with the same water conditions, disease history, and food. So, these methods are not accurate when 1.) you are trying to sex a single specimen, and 2.) you don't know the history of the Oscars in question. If they have the same disease history, water conditions, food, etc. then males are larger, more colorful, have longer flowing fins with a more pointed dorsal. Occasionally in the wild, Male Oscars have a line of eyespots extending from the Caudal spot up under the Dorsal fins; however this does not occur in [i]all[/i] males and has not been seen in aquarium or farm bred males.
Oscars are not mouthbrooders, so it's interesting that Teeoh was keeping fry in his/her mouth. Occasionally (not always) Oscars eat their offspring, maybe this is what was happening --
Last edited by
Mark Stone on Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.