by Deepseafisher on Mon May 23, 2005 4:23 pm
What exactly does Ich look like? I understand that there is a marine form of ich, and I'm concerned that the clownfish I bought the other day may have contracted it at some point down the road. I was looking at him this morning, and noticed a single white spot, about the size of a grain of sand or something. I've heard that ick is a bunch of spots, but don't know if it starts that way, or what the deal is. The reason it is of such importance to me is 10 days I'm leaving for a month, and my tank will be in the hands of my younger brother. He won't be able to do anything for the fish if it turns out to be ich...
And such is my dilemma...
Does ich start as one spot? Or does it normally start as a bunch? Is there anything I can do to treat it early, hopefully preventing a real outbreak later? I don't know...I'm considering a freshwater dip...but don't know if this will help.
I'll try to post some pics of the fish (and the rest of the tank, for that matter...I've been meaning to get around to doing that...) when I get home from school 8 or 9 hours from now...
Any suggestions as to what it might be? I'm praying for some injury its had along the way.
Oh, by the way...the fish hasn't been acting at all differently from the other clown I have in the rubbing on the rock, nothing of the sort...
Water perameters are decent, Ammo, nitrites at 0 (or at least thereabouts) and nitrate running near 20...
I keep the temperature right around 79 (F) (obviously, lol).
Thanks for the help.
By the way, I cross-posted this from Emergency, if it looks familiar.
Time is of the essence at this point. Whatever treatment gets done has to be done in the next week and 2 days...that number shrinks daily.